Juan Carlos Madeni is a husband and father of two, a son, a brother, an uncle, and a friend of many. He realized he needed God in his life and accepted God’s salvation through Jesus Christ. Dr. Madeni came to Golden, Colorado, for education at the Colorado School of Mines. He started attending First Baptist Church (FBC) of Golden in the Mid-90s, initially to the International Ministry and later to the church service; in 2017, he and his wife Pam became church members. In 2019-2020 he led the College Ministry at FBC; in the same year 2019 with Pam’s hospitality gift, Juan Carlos and Pam started a home ministry to get to know God through His Holy Bible, the group grew and now they meet at FBC. In 2021 Juan Carlos was invited to become an Elder at FBC; he said, “I came to Golden for school, but God had additional plans for me, He brought me here to serve Him in the church and the community, I believe that God inspired our current elders to propose my name for such service, I just humbly say Here I am Lord [Isaiah 6:8b].”
Juan Carlos, his wife Pam, his daughter Kathleen, and his son Matthew live in Littleton, Colorado.
Monday - Friday 10A-noon.
(hours of availability subject to change)