Together Journey
We are blessed to have the Thomson family and Together Journey at FBCG! For over 36 years, Terry, Trudy, and Teah (Doyle) Thomson have been serving the international community at Colorado School of Mines and Golden!

Join them on Sunday's for Bible Exploration in Room 21-220 from 10:45am - 12:15pm! 

Together Journey
International Garage Giveaway
Every August at First Baptist Church of Golden!

We are there to help Internationals have a favorable impression of America and especially a favorable view of Christianity, from Christ centered behaving Christians in the local church; there are international folks coming to CSM particularly in the fall, to get an education and often bring their families and have only a suitcase for a multi-year stay. We collect furniture from early September until the end of July. We store it in a semi-trailer in Arvada. CSM Christian students help us pick it up, from homes. We then bring it into a local church, FBC Golden 1805 Washington Ave., and we display it and international students come and pick it up. Last August after 38 years of operation, we blessed 96 individuals from 30 foreign countries with furniture and household supplies.