The D-group lessons can be simply “observed” or they can be a path to a deeper relationship, an encounter, with others and Jesus. That is our prayer for you. Our D-Groups are semester scheduled devotional guide, which means that each group will be going through a unified study of a prayer over topic, theme, study, book, etc. each semester. In these groups you can expect to learn and grown while also developing relationships! Each group will either meet at a home or at the church on various days of throughout the week.
Learn more about FBC's D-Groups here:
We have Women's Bible Study availabe Wednesdays from September - December and March - May from 9:30am - 11:00am here at FBC! Please see on our Church Calendar when they are meeting!
We have Men's Bible Study available every Thursday from 7:00am - 8:00am here at FBC or online!
Summer 2024 Schedule:
New Series! Knowing God
6/9 - Study of God
6/16 - Father's Day (No Class)
6/23 - The People Who Know Their God
6/30 - Knowing and Being Known
7/7 - The Only True God
7/14 - God Incarnate
7/28 - God Unchanging
8/4 - The Majesty of God
8/11 - God Only Wise
8/18 God's Wisdom and Ours
At First Baptist Church of Golden, we serve God by serving in the church, in Golden, and beyond. We are one body made up of many God-gifted talents that are used to bless others.
Find an area below that you can serve!